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Associate Professor

Work Experience

  • Hyun-Seok Cho (Ph.D., University of South Carolina, 2013), is an associate professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Sogang University ( He earned his Ph.D. from the University of South Carolina ( in 2013. His research focuses on analyzing degradation mechanisms through modeling and experimental work related to hydrogen production via electrochemical water electrolysis cells, fuel cells, corrosion, electrodeposition, and e-fuel production by electrochemical systems.
    From 2016 to 2023, he was a senior and principal researcher in the Hydrogen Research Department at the Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) ( in Daejeon. His research at KIER focused on low-temperature water electrolysis cells and stack design, including polymer electrolyte membrane and alkaline-type electrolysis cells. He also worked for Hyundai Motor Company as fuel cells engineer in  2015 and involved in NEXO project.  He joined Samsung SDI ( in Yongin in August 2005 and worked as an associate research engineer for the Portable Fuel Cell Project in the Energy Lab of the Corporate R&D Center.  While at Samsung SDI, he optimized and developed automated roll-to-roll MEA fabrication units and analyzed the rheological properties of Pt catalyst paste slurry for Direct Methanol Fuel Cells. In April 2007, he left Samsung SDI Co., Ltd. and joined
    Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI) in Seongnam ( Later, he pursued graduate studies in Chemical Engineering at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, SC, USA. During his time at KETI, he was involved in the development of a carbon nanotube-backlight unit using the writing method. In August 2008, he started his Ph.D. studies. His research topic was modeling and experimental work on contamination studies in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell System. After completing his Ph.D., he worked as a post-doctoral fellow for Prof. John W. Van Zee in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering. The research topic covers modeling and experimental work on corrosion in high-temperature Concentrating Solar Power systems.

2024 - Present

Sogang University

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Dept.

: Electrochemical experimental design, modeling, and analyses of electrochemical systems: water electrolysis, fuel cells, corrosion, electrodeposition, modeling, CO2 conversion

2016 - 2024

Korea Institute of Energy Research

Hydrogen Research Department

: Electrochemical experimental design, modeling, and analyses of water electrolysis cells, Robust design of electrodes for renewable water electrolysis cells

2015 - 2016

Hyundai Motor Company

Fuel Cell Design Team

: Electrochemical analyses for PEM fuel cell
stack to improve the durability

2013 - 2015

Unversity of Alabama

Chemical and Biologial Engineering Dept.

: Conduct numerical & electrochemical analyses for corrosion behavior in very high temperature molten salt based concentrating solar power system with Savannah River National Lab.

2007 - 2008

Korea Electronics Technology Institute

Performed rheological analysis of the carbon nanotube ink prepared for back-light units in  displays and tests the performance of the CNT back-light units prepared by the direct writing  method (ink jetting).

2005 - 2007

Samsung SDI

: Energy Lab.

Technical responsibilities included improvement of performance and durability of direct  methanol fuel cell (30W stack) electrodes for portable electronics applications. Optimized automated roll-to-roll membrane electrode assembly fabrication units 


2008 - 2013

Chemical Engineering, University of South Carolina, 2013 | Ph.D.

Dissertation: “Understanding the Effect of BOP Contaminants on Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells: Fundamental mechanisms, functional groups, and models,” Advisor: John. W. Van Zee

1999 - 2005

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering,
Sogang University | BE

Magna cum laude, Advisor: Ki-Pung Yoo

Society Membership/
Service to Professional Societies

(2022~2024) UST과학기술연합대학원 대학교, 수소에너지공학,
                      전임교원 부교수

(2022~2023) 충남대학교, 에너지과학기술대학원, 겸임교원

(2022~현재) 한국공업화학회 이사

(2019~현재) 한국수소및신에너지학회 이사

(2018~현재) International Society of Electrochemistry(유럽) 회원

(2018~2019) Australian Renewable Energy Agency Project consulting committee

(2018~현재) IEA Annex 30 수전해 분과 위원

(2010~현재) 한국전기화학회 회원 및 기술지 편집위원 이사

(2010~현재) Electrochemical Society(미국) 회원


우수성과100선 최우수_2023.jpg

(2024) 과학의 날 대통령 표창

(2023) 연말포상 기술사업화상(우수), KIER, 기관장표창

(2023) 국가연구개발 우수성과 100선 에너지환경 최우수,
            과학기술정보통신부 장관상장

(2023) 수소경제 활성화 유공 장관표창, 산업통상자원부 장관상장

(2022) 이달(11~12월)의 KIER인 상, 기관장표창

(2022) KIER컨퍼런스 연구부문 Oral 발표 우수상, 기관장표창

(2022) 연말포상 협력상, 기관장표창

(2021) KIER컨퍼런스 에너지대상 장려상, 기관장표창

(2021) 출연(연) 우수 연구성과, 과학기술정보통신부 장관상장

(2020) NST연구회 이사장표창 최우수 연구혁신 부분 (기술이전)

(2020) KIER컨퍼런스 에너지대상 장려상, 기관장표창

(2019) 연말포상 연구기획 우수상, 기관장표창


(2025-Spring) Process control

(2024-Fall)  Chemical engineering thermodynamics

(2024-Fall)  Creative design

(2024-Spring) Process control

(2024-Spring) Electrochemical engineering (graduate)

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